Entries by Denvor Ile de France (148)



 n Kuier op Ottosdal het veroorsaak dat DENVOR ook n koper was op die veiling!

Daar was goeie diere op die veiling en die pryse het so gewys.

2 ramme GE170062, en WH160031 [albei met sterk DTC bloed], het R16000 elk gegaan, Hageland Stoet, het 2 ooie @ R16000 en R15000 verkoop. BAIE GELUK.

Francois van Wyk het veral goed bedoen met sy ooie en het oor die R9000 vir al sy ooie gekry met n hoogste van R15000.

Francois het ooie by DTC kom uitsoek, en die bloedlyne het veral goed gedoen. Dit is baie interessant en aangenaam om te sien, want Francois se diep kennis en entoesiasme begin nou vrugte te pluk.

DTC het weer 2 ooie gekoop, so te se teruggekoop, wat 100% DTC bloedlyne het, waar top diere in n unieke gene kombinasie voorkom.

Top rams like DTC 0313, DTC 3011, DTC 3025, DTC 8260 appear in these pedigrees, therefore makes up some interesting future combinations going forward.

Top ewes like DTC 0323, DTC 5112, DTC 7030 are also in this pedigree.

I was rather surprised that i could buy these at the prices i got them at - because these bloodlines are top genetics.





2 Krone Sale results - FRANKFORT - 27-07-2018

UITBLINK Stud and DENVOR Stud tried something new, and it worked!

The idea of only having young ewes on a sale seem to work because 90 of the 120 on sale were sold quite easily. This was also the first Ile de France sale in this area, which is a plus for the breed. 

The young ewes averaged around R4500 [highest R5500] and the rams around R8500 [highest R10 000].

Thank you for the support and hope that all the buyers are happy with their purchases.


The future of sheep farming - INTENSIVE PRECISION FARMING!!

As we have continouously seen and read, the move to more intensive sheep farming is a definate.

The question is quite simple - Why would you want to buy thousands of hectare farm if one can farm with the same number of sheep under roof on a smaller cheaper piece of ground.

Obviously this is not as simple as it sounds, but it is the road to the end, where management, weaning percentages and off take prices are of real importance. The dwindling numbers in the sheep population will ensure a higher off take price and better weaning percentages will be ensured by intensive care.

The government has also indicated that this could be the answer to assisting black farmers in owning farm units on small areas of ground on which they can efficiently farm - as long as the management is controlled and there are off take agreements.There are big movements already in place for this to happen.

PANAF, FOODS AND PHARMA [PTY] LTD - [www.panaf.co.za] have started a division with DENVOR STUD whereby intensive units will be started, with all the necessary technical knowledge required. 

A business plan has been formulated, and should there be any interested parties, please to contact us.

This entails the financial/capital and cash flow requirements to put up anything from 250 ewe unit and more. This also includes building specs, feed specs, mentorship, purchases and offtake agreements.

Enclosed are pictures of what the buildings could look like.  




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