Entries by Denvor Ile de France (148)



This sale will be unique in the sense that only young ewes will be sold. Some of them are mated, but generally speaking this would be a NO MISS  sale for anyone wanting to start a herd, from 2 established studs, and who have excelled at previous shows.

100-120 young ewes will be on sale and 20-30 rams.





THE MOLOPO SALE was another success where the average price for rams was just under R11 000 and the ewes average was around R5500. The highest price for a ram was R23000 for DTC 5085 who also was the Reserve Grand Champion ram at the Ottosdal show earlier in the year. The highest price ewe was GE 17003 a full DTC genetic ewe, where the sire DTC 2028 again features.

It is interesting to note that DTC 5085 sire was DTC 9201, and his full brother DTC 9202 were both previously sold for R20000 each, and his dam DTC 2227, a thick set, deep ewe and her dam DTC 1052 have previously bred stud rams of quality, STILL IN THE HERD. These 2 ewes have just lambed twin ewe lambs.

the ram DTC 150391 did well for WILLIE, where some of the progeny really did well.

Well done to Willie Oosthuizen on the truly brilliant effort of erecting a good venue for the sale on his farm at Boereplaas. Daar gaan ons nog lekker kuier!!!



DTC 2227 - 5085 DAM 

 DTC 1052 - 2227 DAM


DTC 6015 - WENT FOR R10000



ROYAL SHOW - Pietermaritzburg 28-05-2018

 I was an interested spectator at the Royal Show. There were close to 100 sheep on show but a slight concern was the range of different types exhibited. Breeders have to start learning that length is the overall determining factor in breeding, something that the breed has continuously strived for to get effeicient growth and prevent dystokia. My personal point of view is that we as the Ile de France breed should discard the words 'voegryp- laatryp' = early maturing and late maturing.

Because a sheep is short is it early maturing? - and/or vice versa is a long, tall seheep late maturing? I have proof of over number of years of breeding that length shows better growth therefore can be marketed earlier, and shows less fat at an early age. My longer ewe also comes on heat at the same time as the shorter animal. My weaning weights are also above the breed average. So??

Another issue that concerns me is 'te groot' or 'too big'. Yes, I do understand that a bigger sheep needs more maintenance to upkeep, but as our Selection System indicates, this cannot be determined visually, but only by the Ewe Efficiency table, of how much meat she produces per weaning compared to her mass. This is the only method in determining whether a sheep is too big. Therefore no judge can determine in a ring, without determining its ewe efficiency index, that a ewe is too big, and disqaulify her as such. In any case there is no such point as too big  in our breed standards.

These were a few observations from the side but generally in my opinion the show was a success, and CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL THE PRIZE WINNERS where the correct type again prevailed. Well done especially to the CORLEESTUD and the JANCOR STUD for their deserved prizes.

DTC did well in that DENVOR Stud had a hand in most of the genetics that won the major prizes.

The Junior Chamipion ewe - LC170065 the prefix DTC comes tghrough in all the whole pedigree, where the following sheep feature - RAM DTC 6017 [JAFTA] X2, RAM DTC 2153, AND RAM PS 6025.

The reserve champion ewe - LC 170126, DTC also features in the sire side, namely GE 1004 and GE 8031.

The senior champion ewe LC 160054, is a full DTC ewe- the sire DTC 2028  and the dam GE 2039 - also a full DTC genetics.

The reserve champion ewe - JC 150139, is the daughter of the well known ewe PS 7078 [full DTC] sold to the JANCOR STUD for R33000 some years back, a ewe that has done exceptionally well for them.

I did think however that the ewe JC 4115 [DTC 9323 DAUGHTER], was unlucky to be sent out the ring. too FAT OR TOO BIG????. She would have done well in the interbreed!!

The junior chamion ram JC 170183 was a nice long sheep with distant DTC genetics.

The reserve champion ram LC 170005, has  DTC GRAND SIRES.

THE SENIOR CHAMPION RAM JC 160034 [also grand chamion and Inter Breed Champion of the show ]- DTC is the grandsire of the sire JC 40046 - is nice deep animal with many good attributes.

The Reserve Senior Ram - JC 160220 - also a JC 4046 SON.


JC 4115


  JC 5139