Entries by Denvor Ile de France (148)



The Bloemfontein Sale did not produce fireworks.

Was it the quality for sale OR were there no buyers??

The fact that more than 20 of the total 92 sheep were culled, as not good enough for the sale - did not help matters. There were also 25 not sold - so all in all not a good sale in any respect.

DTC did well enough in selling 13 of the 18 sheep on the sale [2 sold after the sale] with 5 N/S. The highest priced DTC ram - DTC 6944 - was R12000, sold after the sale and R8500, and the ewes R7500 and  as expected DTC 2055, went for R16500 - [SEE PICTURE BELOW].

DTC 2055 was bought by Mr Myles van Deventer of Bainesfield. She has since given birth to twins.

She will be a great asset







The ewe DTC 2055 [for sale 07/04/2018]

The ewe DTC 2055 being sold on the IDF Production sale mentioned below is a must buy ewe.

This type of ewe comes across once in a life time and will be an asset for any herd - especially if someone is interested in embryo production.


Herein below A few photos of her progeny, namely EWE DTC 5011, a ram DTC 5104, an ewe DTC 6074, A RAM DTC 7167 and an ewe lamb - DTC 7474.

5011 is a classy young ewe which would have stood her ground at any show, had she participated.

The ram 5104, one of triplet, of which the full brother 5103, has also been used in the stud are long animals with exceptional back sides.

Unfortunately 5104 - as the picture shows below got an abcess near his testicles and backside, otherwise he would also have been a show participant , as well. His progeny have also proved exceptional [see pic below] where the ram lamb 7361, weighed 48 kg at 90 days!!!!

Her lamb in 2016, DTC 6074  is a another very good looking anmal

Another ram lamb - dtc 7167- is also very long and also weighed 44 kg at 90 days - also a future stud animal.

Her recent lamb 7474, a ewe lamb from the ram GE3086, IS VERY LONG and also weighed in at 42 kg at 90 days.

2055 has been mated to JC 5060, and this promises to be good genetic material for the future.

DTC 5011

DTC 5104


 DTC 7361 [SON OF 5104]

DTC 6074

DTC 7167

DTC 7474