


1.       DTC 110159  - ram met uitstekende boude en diepte – Pa SA kamp
2.       DTC  110190 – groot gebalanseerde ram – lengte et al – en syfers!  - pa SA kamp ooi seun en top ram op SA vaar lys
3.       DTC  110069  - diepte, lengte en boud  - een van drieling
4.       DTC  110216  -  boud, pigment en lengte – pa res SA kamp ram
5.       DTC  100148  -  baie goed geteel – moer ook volsuster van beproefde stoetram cfe 4009
6.       DTC  120027  -   lank, besonders diep en boud – pa seun van LONG JOHN DTC 0313
7.       DTC  120112   -   jong ram met besonderse diepte
8.       DTC  110110   -   besonderse diepte en breedte – PA SA KAMP
9.       DTC   120005  -   gebalanseerde ram – goed geteel
10.   DTC   120029  -   lang ram met besonderse boud
11.   DTC   120045  -   goed geteel – hier is potensiaal
12.   DTC   110241  -   besonderse bree ram – geteel! PA SA RES KAMP
13.   DTC   110008  -   groot ram met goeie boud – pa SA RES SA KAMP
14.   DTC   110133  -   bree ram
15.   DTC   110223   -  bree ram, diep – PA SA KAMP
16.   DTC   110206   -  diep, bree ram – PA SA KAMP
17.   DTC   110232   -  besonders boud, goed geteel, top ram – PA SA RES KAMP
18.   DTC   120081  -   lang ram – PA DTC 0313
19.   DTC   120071  -   LANG DIEP RAM
20.   DTC   120016  -  GEBALANSEERDE RAM - HOOG
21.   DTC   120077  -  LANG RAM
23.   DTC   120133  -  JONG RAM, SWAAR EN LANK
26.   DTC   120033 -   LANG RAM
27.   DTC   120022 -  LANG RAM
28.   DTC   120068  - LANG RAM – PA DTC 0313
29.   DTC   120030  - LANG RAM
30.   DTC   120066  - LANG RAM
31.   DTC   120052  - HOE SWAAR RAM
32.   DTC    120127  -  DIEP JONG RAM


Production Sale

Please click on the image below for the enlarged version. 





Due to excessive costs and time restraints DENVOR STUD did not partake in the National Show in Pietermaritzburg this year.

The ever important MOLOPO SALE was also due the following week -  so it would have been unfair on the animals to travel those distances.

Nonetheless DENVOR DSTUD was well presented at the show and many breeders brought direct descendants of the Denvor Stud – DTC – bloodlines to the show.

Of the 78 potential placing’s at the Show, direct descendants of DENVOR occupied at least 56% of the placing’s from 1 - 5.

A remarkable achievement – seeing that DENVOR did not even participate.

The Junior ewe and Reserve Junior ewe were also direct

  • As well as the Grand Champion ewe  and Reserve junior Champion Ram
  • The Grand Champion ram was a second descendant