Entries by Denvor Ile de France (148)


Floods in August 2012

Heavy rains caused havoc on the farm – where roads were washed away and a dam’s wall broke.

More serious damage was prevented – when the contents of the broken dam nearly caused the overflow of the important irrigation dam.

This would have caused another wall breaking – and further extensive damage below.


Denvor Wine

DENVOR STUD now is able to sell it’s own wine!!

Prices are available on request.

Buyers will also get a bottle per sheep bought



Since the system of producing daily green feed, DENVOR STUD has been able to increase its producing ewe herd from 125 ewes in 2011 to 230 in 2013.

We have at 20 APRIL 2013 had 132 lambs born compared to the 64 in 2012 at the same time
This ewe increase has come from embryo harvesting within the herd – where not one single ewe has been bought in.
On top of that – from the best ewes in the herd. It basically means that there has been a rapid and phenomenal positive increase in the genetic profile of the DENVOR herd.

500 kg of Barley green feed is produced per day and fed to 250 -300 animals.
1kg of Barley seed produces about 8 – 10 kg of green feed every 7 days.
The green feed has a dry material % of 20 – and a protein% of 22 .
Dry coarse roughage and extra concentrates are required daily – amounts dependent on the stage of production.